
All the kings horses and all the kings men



6 Years
05-02-2015, 10:15 AM
Voltage had spent a great deal of time with his brother, sleeping beside him, talking to him about nonsense, but mostly just laying there. He’d often talk to him about the island, reminisce about their childhoods. About the time Glacier scared him as a mud monster, how often his brother would be patient while Voltage bounced off the den walls with energy. But sometimes, he’d just lay there in silence, praying to the universe or the fates, or...whoever had their hand in their lives, to just make sure his brother would be well. It was odd for Voltage to spend a great deal of time in silence (hence why he spent most of his time beside Glacier talking), but he would lay there beside his brother, head upon his large back, and just listen to his steady breathing.

But, he had things to do, it seemed. Voltage also spent more time than he would like away from his brother. He was called so often to the borders, by alphas wondering about the friendship between the packs. He had to do rounds, make sure his family was still all well and good. And thats exactly what he had been doing, doing his rounds of the border, and stopping by to get a bite to eat. His brother had slept a lot, but he still ate, at least he thought so. Every time he left a meal there, it was gone when he returned. So with the fish hanging from his jaws he walked towards the den.

However, he was very surprised to see a particular sight infront of the den. The behemoth that was his brother stood tall before the opening, as if he had never fallen at all. A surprised sound burst from Voltage’s throat and he instantly pushed off, bounding towards his big brother. Dropping the fish a few feet before Glacier he continued, skidding to a stop to press himself into his brother, minding of the paw. "Oh Glacier! You’re awake!" He yelped, feeling tears sting at his stormy eyes. But then it dawned on him. His brother was awake and out of the den!

Quickly pulling away he’d glare, though his heart was not into it. Stormy eyes would narrow as he reguarded Glacier. "What do you think you’re doing outside of the den! You’re supposed to be resting!" He said, his deep vocals loud and echoing as he shook his head, moving to try and push his brother (gingerly) back into the den. "Go on! I very much doubt Terrae has said that you could leave the den! Get back to be."

"Burn Baby Burn"