
The Bird And The Worm


05-02-2015, 10:25 AM

There seemed to be no disagreements when it came to tasks, much to her pleasure. Akemi would watch Eirik and Saga go off ahead, her gaze settling on Ravine as he answered her. “Very good then. It’ll be left to you.” She would swish her tail, starting to fall in behind Saga and Eirik herself. She was glad that everything seemed to be running smoothly thus far. The female could sense that Einarr was a bit disappointed, though she hoped to make things up to her son in a private lesson later on.

The small female would listen to the conversation started by her two runners, giving an approving nod when she heard Saga’s suggestion. “A pincer movement... Not a bad idea, Saga. As the runners you two will go on ahead, along with Kismet and Einarr. Zisa and and I will come in from behind to help weigh it down and Ravine will come in for the killing blow.” The female would give further instruction to the other wolves, looking around her.

Ooc:: Wait for Eirik and Saga to start this round guys. We're going to get into the thick of it. Just try and get your posts in as quickly as possible~ <3 Thanks guys!

Table by:: Tealah