
Nearer than heaven


05-02-2015, 10:39 AM

The young woman would introduce herself as Irelyn DraĆ­ocht, an herbalist. A healer. The calico gentleman would look to Bass, who did not speak right away. Perhaps this was a test to see how he might handle a stranger at the borders? The aging man's gaze would sweep back to the young woman, a gentle smile spreading across his muzzle. "Ahhh... well miss Irelyn this pack that you have come across is called Abaven. It is a pack that is lawful good, full of kind hearted souls like our Azat Bass here. I am his second in command, the Azgrat. You may simply call me Allen." He would pause, taking a breath.

"The pack itself is rather close knit, more of a family pack. It is easy to fit in and get along here, so long as you're not seeking to make trouble. Everyone helps each other... It is a good home." Allen would smile a bit wider. "Are you looking for a home, miss Irelyn? Some healing paws would certainly be welcome." Especially with Nona MIA, he added in his head. A pang arose in his heart at the thought of his mate... but there was little he could do for her now.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah