
Good Day To You, Young Sir.



6 Years
05-02-2015, 11:08 AM
Voltage would continue to smile, watching as Allen took a step over the border. And for a moment he was suddenly proud. It had taken a lot of work to get a border that others would respect, and sure it would take a lot more work and energy to keep them secure was something Voltage could be proud in. "I will definitely take you up on that, Allen." He said with a grin, looking at him. He'd pivot, smiling brightly to Allen before he took the first step, wondering what exactly he should show Allen. There wasn't much to their little packland. Maybe he should do what he did for Arian and show him the lookout, but this man seemed much more political than...dreamy. So he changed his mind, instead deciding to show him the main beach. Paws would shift through black sand as he heard the man ask him how they would go about this. "Well, lets see. You know nothing of my home, and I know nothing of yours....the basics?" He said with a gentle smile, glancing out at the horizon. The sun was bright in the sky, blue shining against the expansive ocean. With a small smile he'd turn back towards Allen. "Our pack is called Donostrea, which in our parents language is a mix of Our and Home. Our entire pack, aside from one...sorta, is family. We're all siblings, though different ages, and we came from an island to the north of Alacritis." He said with a gentle smile, his pride evident on his face. He loved the thing they had all created together, loved it with every bit of them. "Did you have a hand in Abaven's creation?" He asked with curiosity, moving along the beach.

"Burn Baby Burn"