
Among the Stars



6 Years
Extra large
05-02-2015, 03:13 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2015, 03:14 PM by Glacier.)

He would smile warmly at his little sister as she agreed that she expected nothing else. It was just as important to him and Voltage that their family knew they would be looked after, that so long as there was breath in his and Volty's bodies, they would be safe from anything that wished them harm. Through, of course, he was also adamant that they should be free to learn, experience, and grow from the world. Well he would shelter them from danger, he would not shelter them from life.

He too would hear the movement in the waved, but would give his sister privacy if she so desired it. She called her siblings sometimes to midnight swims, but no doubt like the rest of them liked also her time alone with what she loved the most. He was distracted through, until Astrea spoke again and he moved his eyes to met hers once more. She had called out her name, and he gave her a moment to form her thoughts to words. He chuckled softly when she finished and shook his head, then paused, and shrugged. “Well, I miss the freedom it provides – might sound stranger to you slimmer wolves, but the heat slows me down, presses on me. In the cold my bulk and thick cold protect me enough from the cold that it doesn't effect me – not like the heat does” he would explain the tactical disadvantage of him living in the heat, but also how it effected his personal interest. “But the nights here are cool enough to live with, and my family happy is all I need” and that wasn't just words, it really was the truth.

He would grin at his little sister then "What do you prefer, being too hot, or too cold?" he asked her good naturedly
