
All the kings horses and all the kings men



6 Years
Extra large
05-02-2015, 03:26 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2015, 03:26 PM by Glacier.)

Voltage's approach was never exactly quite. Glacier had closed his eyes and taken to simply listening, and he could hear the soft crunch of grass beneath his brothers paws, catch the scent of fish between his brothers fangs. The sound of surprise however was the real giveaway. The Titan would slowly open his eyes, a smile already spreading mischievously across his maw as his eyes connected to the shape of his brother. He would drop the fish a few feet away and keep on coming until he was at his brothers side.

Even barreling into Glacier, Voltage still managed to be careful of his injured paw. Glacier moved his head forward to rest it on Voltage's shoulder, a hug in a form without the use of any of his paws – he wasn't going to risk do anything that would show his brother how weak he still was. It seemed despite being careful that the thought would still occur to Voltage. His brother pulled back enough to glare at Voltage and point out this very thing. Knowing better then the brush off his injury, instead Glacier decided on a different tactic. “If I stay in those four walls for another day brother i'm going to lose my mind. I've been resting and I've been patient and now I need some fresh air. My head feels better then ever and my paw isn't going to get better unless I get it back to strength again. I know how to take is easy brother, I promise, but don't make me wrestle you” he warned, but he was grinning at Voltage and moved his head forward to bump his nose against the others shoulder.