
Among the Stars



5 Years
05-02-2015, 04:00 PM

Astrea would hum as Glacier explained himself, he talked more like a general then a Elementas. He explained that he was slower in the heat then the cold but said nothing about his calm and comfort. That confused her, she was so in tune with the stars that if for any length of time she would not be able to see of feel the hum of them she would more than likely become depressed. But did he? She was not very hopeful of a snowy winter, not this far south, so it was not very likely that he would see snow unless he took a trip north; but he did not seem all that bothered by it, just saying he was slower and less likely able to defend the family. "I do not understand Glacier." She tilted her head at him. "You say you miss the freedom of movement, but do you not miss..." She hummed trying to best explain the nature of what she felt for the stars. Voltage talked about how he felt the most content near the energy of the family and Serefina was happiness near the heat of fire. Wasn't Glacier the same? "Don't you miss the comfort of the ice? Like how Sere misses the volcano?"

She blinked at him, her mind trying to wrap around the idea he presented to her. Was she so abnormal? That she was so connected with the little dots in the sky? Something she can only dream of touching? She closed her eyes and shook her head. "Is it so odd that the stars call to me? Does the snow and ice not call to you?"

She flicked her ears back and forward, a small frown on her face. "Would you want to see the snow?" She hoped that he would say yes, maybe it wasn't just that he did not feel the pull he just could not feel it at a distance when he was thinking about anything but his name sake.