
Among the Stars



6 Years
Extra large
05-02-2015, 04:16 PM

The Titanic brute would look fondly upon his sweet sister as she admitted to being confused. He seated himself more comfortably upon the earth, lowering his bulk down and resting his head between two crossed paws, the picture of a wolf at ease. He knew there was only one way up onto the cliff, and he was facing it and Astrea both, they where on pack territory, he was already assured of Astrea's safety and trusted in his strengths, already his paw had started to strengthen with his daily exercises and use. Astrea didn't answer his question, instead she was still trying to explain herself, pointing out his answer hadn't been an explanation of his own preference exactly. He would close his eyes and listen to the sound of her hum. It was soft, mysterious and distant sound like the stars, it was Astrea – he could never mistake the familiar sound of her voice.

He opened them again as Astrea started to speak again, watching her before he sighed and met her eyes. “The ice will always call to me little Star Whisperer, and the stars calling to you is only natural. Its not strange that the stars call to you because I am the one that's different. For me, the ice is tactically preferable, its more comfortable and natural, but I can live in this moderate heat without suffering, and you all can live here in comfort and happiness. For me, that is the same thing as living in the most ideal place, for me this will always be home – where my family is happiest”

Her next question seemed almost out of the blue, despite how it aligned with their conversation and he chuckled good naturdly. “Always, little Star Bird.”
