
Meeting family

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-02-2015, 04:37 PM

She pouted at her Uncle, who easily maneuvered his paw away from her playful swipe. The pup would then wag her tail and playfully eye Chord, as through debating pouncing him. He might still be a stranger to her, but he was family, he was a Destruction and so far she had found her family to be playful and loving, if also emotional and easily offended. However her attention would be diverted to Motif, who didn't answer her question. Instead, knowing her mother well she playfully ducked beneath the half-assed swipe and stuck her tongue out at her Mother. The two had been at odds a lot lately, especially over Rhythm. Now however, with Motif finally giving her leeway to see her Auntie, things had become good between them again. She knew Rhythm was still a sore spot for her mother through, and respected that even if she wished it was otherwise.

Returning her thoughts to happier moments, she grinned at Chord. “Thank you!” she said, some quality time away from home with Motif and her new uncle sounded like an amazing chance to see exciting things and for things to be as good as they had been between her mother and Shaye before the whole Rhythm thing had happened. She pranced closer to Chord, eager to be off. “So where are we going?” she asked him.

"Burn Baby Burn"


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