
Somebody make me feel alive and shatter me


05-02-2015, 08:11 PM
Cypress would tip over, giving a gentle chuckle as he settled down. He would look into her own eyes, a smile upon his lips. “I’m glad that you’re doing better.” He’d say gentle. But then the question was turned around on him, and Cy wasn’t quite sure how to answer. He’d feel his heart clench somewhat, the teachings of his father and the things he learned on his own clashing with what he wanted to tell her. A frown would cross onto his face, and frustration would cause his brow to furrow some.

“It is hard... But I feel that I am slowly learning to adjust to these different sorts of wolves. The... Darker sort. They are different from the wolves that I have known. It is... A little strange to me.” The young man would close his eyes. “Sometimes it’s hard to believe that I belong here beside you... Though I know it is my place. I wouldn’t leave you even if the whole world was against us... Yet...” He shook his head.

“Don’t concern yourself, Arian. I’ll get used to their mannerisms in time.” He would open his eyes again, his eyes taking an almost far off look to them.

“My mother... She was an alphess. She gave birth to my sister and I here in Alacritia, and we ended up traveling to where she formed her pack. She was a strong willed woman, kind, brave. My sister was just like her, really. Perhaps even moreso on the brave part of things. She was also a bit reckless. My father... He was the one I was most like. A true knight, though a fun loving goofball too. He never took things too seriously... Unlike me.” Cypress would frown.

“I guess that was the one lesson I could never take away from him... My brother and sister were both like him as well, fun loving, kind-hearted beings. I... I left the pack to them after mother and father passed. I came out here looking for Laria. I’m not sure if she ever went back to be honest... But... I knew that wasn’t the path I wanted.” He would shift some, feeling an ache in his heart.

“Ahh sorry... I guess I’m getting a bit emotional thinking about them...” He’d say in a quiet tone, setting his head on his paws.