
Good Day To You, Young Sir.



6 Years
05-03-2015, 12:07 AM
He was very prideful of his pack, of the thing he and Glacier created. They had mad a home out of the beach with black sands, gave their siblings jobs to do and, he hoped, some purpose. It had helped Astrea, he hoped, get out of her shell, allowed Serefina to harness the fire she possessed. "Oh, I'm not doing it on my own.." He said with a smile then, looking towards Allen. "I've always had my brother at my side. We do everything together. And besides, while this pack is new, we as a family aren't...we just have a name for everything we do now." The Elementas family was closer than most, at least..for Voltage. He loved each of them so dearly and he couldn't bare to ever see them move away, that's why he created Donostrea. "We created our pack to give us some foundation. It had been over two years since I had a real home, and I craved one. But also to keep us together.." He said softly, looking back out at the ocean that bordered their home.

When Allen spoke of Abaven he quickly turned his attention back to him. He really had to work on his attention span, but just because he wasn't looking didn't mean he wasn't listening. "This Bass sounds like an impressive fellow..." He said with a gentle smile. "That's what we try to achieve here, even though we're siblings we work as a unit." He said softly. "Packs are wonderful things, aren't they. They are like working families, and anyone can become your sibling." He said with a gentle smile, thinking of Sereten. The man that courted his star loving sister.. "It is good you don't seek trouble!" He said with a joyous laugh, grinning his toothy grin. "We merely want to defend the borders we have in place, and, like you, I would defend them with my dying breath. We don't wish to impose on others...infact, we have tried to remain hidden for protection." His siblings meant the world to him, he would protect their lives even after death. "But it seems we've failed at that, haven't we?" With a laugh he shook his head, smiling over at Allen.

"Burn Baby Burn"