
talking, talking your way out



10 Years
Extra large
05-03-2015, 03:54 PM
Though he hadn't settled down permanently in one place - and honestly, it was doubtful that he ever would - Áki often found himself wandering alongside the wide river that he'd grown familiar with. He was thankful that summer was beginning to fade, and with it brought the quite welcome coolness of autumn. The air near the river seemed somehow fresher, too, and he was grateful for the constant source of water.. and the occasional swim didn't hurt either.

Today, he'd decided, was a good day for one of those swims.

The flow of water down the river was perfect. It wasn't too fast, certainly not rapid enough to be dangerous, but it wasn't slow enough to keep him from floating downstream. The late morning sun had begun to shine down upon his dark coat, and the promise of a cool dip in the river was tempting. Without much inhibition, he would crouch down to the river's edge before sliding forward and into the shallow stream with ease.

He'd float for awhile, content to paddle near the edge of the river while also allowing the water to carry him further downstream. He'd keep an eye out in the distance for any danger, knowing he could likely scramble up onto the shore quite quickly if he saw any rapids or dangerous rocks in the distance. A small grin played upon his lips as he paddled more, briefly letting his eyes close as he basked in the feeling of the gentle autumn sun upon his back and the cool water whisking around him.

Only when he opened his eyes again, feeling his body floating slightly to the side as the river curved, did he notice someone up ahead. Someone seemed to be perched on a rock, eying the water quite intently. Were they fishing? It certainly seemed like it.. Not wanting to ruin the fun, he'd paddle to the river's edge before clambering somewhat awkwardly from the water, attempting to dry his thick coat with a fierce shake. He'd amble forward curiously, only noticing who it was when he'd gotten a lot closer. His head would tilt in curiosity and he found himself grinning at his friend. "I told you I'd find you," he greeted him with a chuckle. Perhaps it hadn't been intentional, but oh well!