
And Now I'm Shining Bright


05-03-2015, 04:28 PM

She rose, her brown and white limbs stretching out as she stared outside the den. It had been a few days after the birthing, and Silveris had slept for most of the days after that. She knew that she needed to keep an eye on the pups, but for those days, she could barely stay awake long enough to eat. She stood at the entrance of the den, staring around. There were no other wolves around, and, as she looked up at the sky, she breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like it was going to be a nice day today. It was just as well, too, as she didn't want the three pups ending up being sick. This was their first outing, and Silveris wanted them to have fun.....And be safe. Turning towards her pups, she gently nudged each one awake, then spoke.

"You three are old enough to go outside." She spoke again, before any of them could move outside.  "BUT. You need to listen to what I say, alright?" She gave each of them a small smile. If any of them got hurt.....She didn't know what she'd do. With that in the air, Silveris then proceeded in explaining the rules, in a slightly firm tone.  "You cannot go to any wolves that are not, family. Instead, go far away from them. If you want to explore something, come and get me or your father so we can go together. Do not think that something's safe just because it looks like it, and try and explore it by yourselves. Last, but not least, don't go past the big stones. That way we can see you." With those rules out of her maw, Silveris would lick her three children on the head, and moved away from the entrance of the den, allowing them to go outside.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think