
Lets try this again


05-03-2015, 09:37 PM

He knew he should probably be heading back to Pantheon, but what would one more day gone hurt? He trusted that his father would look out for the safety of the pack and Charmeine would make sure everyone was happy. He was glad to have wolves he trusted around so that he could do things like take a couple days to travel to other packs. He had visited two so far, but after meeting with Voltage he decided to spend the night away from home and when he woke he wasn't quite ready to head back yet. So, instead, he made his way east till he ran into the scent of yet another pack. He smiled a little as he neared its borders and peered into the territory that seemed to be filled with trees and pools of water. It wasn't unlike the Estuary he called home in that sense, but it lacked the constant chirp and flutter of birds that his had. After doing his usual routine of shaking out his pelt and mentally preparing everything he wanted to say, he lifted his muzzle to call for this pack's alpha. He was eager to have enough meeting to bring back home to tell Charm and his father about.

"Talk" "You" Think