
A bitter sweet goodbye


06-11-2013, 09:07 AM

He needed to get away, find some inner peace, maybe hit up a few whores or two. No, he couldn't do that.. or could he? He wasn't exactly sure where he was going, he simply allowed his paws to guide him in any direction they went. Being in Amenti was tiresome at times, and getting out to torment the rest of the world was nice here and there. He looked over, amethyst eyes falling upon the notorious Mount Volkan. He was awfully close to Tortuga... He thought about Secret, Kylar, Nnitoria. Oh how they must wish his head could be delivered to them on a silver platter. Ha! That would never happen. He began to continue forward when someone caught his eye. Steam? In the middle of winter? He couldn't help but allow it to draw him forward. The closer he came the warmer it became. How odd? Then he saw it in the corner of his eye. Water. He came up to it, cautiously dipping his paw into its liquid depths. It was very warm, and with the winter chill around him it felt even warmer. It felt amazing. He sighed, muscles relaxing beneath his pelt. He was just about to dip himself into the pool when another object caught his eye. Secret.

She looked different, smelt different, even carried her body language differently. She was still hot as fuck though. She was too divine to pass up, he just had to say something. This might be the very last time he saw her with Tortuga after his ass and all. He slithered toward her, massive body swaying in the most stealthy ways. Surely she could scent him, but he still enjoyed a good stalk. "Secret." Her name dripped off his tongue with pure venom, lips curling slightly to reveal his front canines. "Still have Tortuga after me? Or did they send the old crotchety whore away?" Head swayed back as he cackled wildly. Oh, how she must hate him! And he loved every second of it. He fed off the hatred, it got him off in the most sensual ways.