
Good Day To You, Young Sir.


05-04-2015, 02:36 PM

So it seemed that Voltage had not created Donostrea on his own. It was wonderful to hear that his ties to his family was strong, that he and his brother ruled the place together. Allen would give a respectful nod, his gaze gentle. "A respectable thing, that. To stand strong with your brother, to stand together with your family through thick and thing. I can say that I hold a lot of respect for your pack." The aging brute would let his gaze travel for a moment, a far off look within his eyes. When had he last really stood with his family? When had he last had a set foundation with all of them at his side? Surely it had been some time.

But that was alright. Abaven was that new home, a place that he was willing to protect with his final breath. He would give a small nod as Voltage spoke of Bass, respect showing in his eyes. "He truly is. In my eyes perhaps more than others." Allen would give a laugh of his own at Voltage's next comment.

"Hahaha! I'm far too old for that sort of business. My only goal is to live now, and if it comes to battle then so be it." He would frown a little as Voltage spoke of staying hidden, and he would shake his head gently. "Perhaps being found is not such a bad thing. While you don't wish to impose, nor make enemies, it helps to make friends. Not necessarily alliances, but to gain new skills and assets." Allen would speak gently. "..and being hidden isn't always the best thing either. That just means if trouble does find you it could be even worse." The calico gentleman would stop, breathing in slowly.

"Tell me, Voltage, what skills do you currently posses? Perhaps this old man could teach you a couple things before he leaves." He would focus his gaze on the other, a smile upon his lips. "Consider it a thank you for letting me into your home so willingly. Though the return tour is still included of course."

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah