
Ohio Is For Lovers


05-04-2015, 03:10 PM

With the training still fresh in his mind the young man would leave the den. Sure speaking with Star had helped, but there was still the matter of actually fixing his faults. Limno had tried her best to help him, but the young man was still frustrated. Starling was helping with the Italian, at least a bit... but what else was there for him to do? He felt like a failure all the same. He'd breathe out slowly, walking under a night sky that just seemed to bright for him. He hated this feeling. A feeling of self loathing and hatred.

But he knew there was a way to fix this. There had to be. He would lift his head, seeing a form sitting by the water of the rapids. Surprised that anyone was still out this late the young man would approach the other. It was Allen, his uncle. He was not an uncle by blood, but his father trusted and respected the other man enough to make him the secondary of his pack. The boy would come up next to Allen and take a seat, gazing out over the water. His ears were lowered, a heavy sigh passing his lips.

"Uncle Allen? How do I get better at being a field medic?" The young man would ask, not looking at the calico gentleman.


Table by:: Eve