
Ohio Is For Lovers


05-04-2015, 03:20 PM

It seemed that his night of solitude would not be so alone after all. Gaze would shift slowly to his right as a young man came to sit as his side. Ah yes, young Shrike. The boy had been troubled during the training he held. His ego had surely taken a blow and despite Limno trying her hardest to set the boy on the right path he still seemed troubled. Allen would give a small smile to the son of Bass, leaning down and beginning to speak softly.

"One must first change how he thinks before he can change how he acts, Shrike." Allen would give the boy a gentle nudge on the shoulder. "So chin up lad... there is more to come yet. Sure you had some trouble during training... but that is why we train... so we can get better at things." Allen would close his eyes, taking a small breath.

"No one starts out a master of all trades, Shrike. Practice, practice again, and practice some more to get a feel for what you want. Be diligent in your studies, to your duties to the pack, and you will grow better at them." Allen would open his eyes again, letting his gaze focus on the young man. "Do you understand?"

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah