
Get The Party Started



5 Years
05-04-2015, 03:44 PM

Taking a deep breath, Locha plunged below the surface. Around her, the world completely changed. Everything took on a blue tinge and she felt lighter, buoyed up by the salty water around her. Black/blue furred legs propelled her forward and down. Seaweed met her as the girlgot closer to the bottom. Her gaze looked around at all the sealife around her. Shoals of fish scurried around, crabs edged along the rocky seabed. It was too soon when she had to break the to the surface for air, a large fish in her mouth. Making her way to shore with a smile, she placed her catch in a cave just off the beach, next to the already massive pile before returning to the beach.

Locha was bouncing with excitement. It was finally time! Since her and her yellow brother had discussed it, the water girls' thoughts had been all about the beach party. She'd been running around getting everything prepared. Hunting plenty of food, cleaning the beach etc. It really made her job as an Aqaelus fun.

Many things were to be celebrated. Glaciers return to full health, the joining of Seerten, and of course his and Astrea's courting, among some other blossoming love, her thoughts drifting to Voltage.

Locha's gaze looked up to see the sun not far from setting. Looking around, she made sure everything was checked again before raising her muzzle to let forth a howl to tell everyone to get over here and partay! She bounced on the pads of her paws, tail wagging behind her and teeth bared in a grin. The anticipation was killing her!

"Burn Baby Burn"