
most of all



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-05-2015, 10:43 AM

She could easily see the amusement lingering on his features and she knew he had to be devising all kinds of mischief in his mind. As she watched the look in his eyes Rhythm would become a bit more concerned about what she'd just gotten herself into. What did she have to expect in the future she had no idea, but she knew that when the opportunity arose she would be there to patch him up and fight for his life if necessary. She had few friends outside of her family, Kyarst was one of the special few. Rhythm would spare no expense in ensuring his health. "Define moderate..." She would offer him a playful scowl at this comment, finding she couldn't keep the smile from lifting her lips as she walked beside him. Though he would promise that he would try to keep his life from the line, but she knew with a warrior's lifestyle that wasn't always possible.

He'd offer her more of an assurance, though it wouldn't make her worry any less she would feel pretty good about her skill. He'd joke but she couldn't help but to think what he spoke was complete truth. Now that Kyarst was in the pack he no longer would be troubled by the restraints of a loner. He could fight harder because he knew there would be healing and protection when he was through. "Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into!" She couldn't help but to giggle as her eyes lingered on his form and she shook her head in disbelief.

Though the pain in her foot had not lessened she felt distracted from it, Kyarst had succeeded in that. Though as her den came into view she'd become aware of it once more. This was going to be an unfun couple of weeks. Though even as she limped along beside him she could feel her strength return. The wound would scab and as long as she didn't open it back up she'd be fine to move about the territory. "Will you stick around for a while longer? Tell me a few more stories?" They hadn't quite made it to the big boulder that covered her little den, but she wasn't ready to say farewell yet.


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