
I condemn Thee[May]


06-11-2013, 01:08 PM
She definitely was smart, any younger dumber wolf would have been a bit surprised. In a fight you had to act fast, didn't matter what your size was. You couldn't just think you had to act and have the instincts to do so. Tavros had prepared himself though which was why he had not been going at full speed. He did not latch, never did he hold on. As soon as his teeth felt blood he was off on a running start. A smile stretching on his face as the girl was complying. Her teeth were heading towards his face as the man pulled his front paws into the dirt to make a quick run out. Her teeth dug into the right side of his cheek drawing a small amount of blood as he managed to escape the grasp just barely. So he wouldn't be able to easily predict her moves as he braced for future attacks by her.

His muscles clenched as a growl rose in his throat from actually having a chance to fight like this. It was also a little bonding time with a member he had never met before. She was well equipped for fighting that was for sure. Tavros was ready for her next attack as he had already pulled back from his last. Feeling the blood pooling at his fur slightly on his cheek. Blood was the best thing there was, that was for sure.



Offense: Quickly pulled back his head like a snake would to attempt at ripping or causing pain.
Defense: Ducked and swerved to try and avoid fully being hit on the face.
Injury: Gauche in his right cheek, stinging slightly from his attempt to get away quicker.