
Get The Party Started



5 Years
05-06-2015, 05:41 AM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2015, 05:42 AM by Terrae.)

His sister's eager atmosphere told him there was something about to happen. the pack had been awkwardly quiet in the way of events or meetings, but perhaps these had been postponed due to his elder's brother's injury. He hadn't been around much lately to know the full detailed extent on the recent happenings within the pack, but he was certain Glacier's earlier recovery was part of this joyous news. He had watched over his elder brother with familial care, prescribed him with the correct herbs and had gone out on brief explorations for other medicinal flora within the area. There had been some success with that, yet the healer was yet to receive his promised healing training which was soon to be one of the day's highlights. In fact, the whole day was to be a blast, however, he didn't know that yet.

He arrived with a small yet neat bundle of herbs and a seagull that he had caught earlier in the morning and saved for the right opportunity. It was all carefully carried within his jaws; the herbs for any healers who may arrive from neighbouring packs and the rabbit for the obvious feast. His usual rugged fur was groomed and cleaned as a way to create a good impression with the guests and of course, visiting healers. A grin of ardent appeal finished his appearance off as he confidently approached the small yet gradually growing crowd. It would be an embarrassing shame to show up late, especially in front of those patiently awaiting his arrival. His head lowered attentively to the russet female who had already arrived as he made a positive start to his "good impression". After placing his edible catch to the feast's pile, he avidly trotted closer to his siblings. Locha certainly was the one to have organised the event, transforming it from a mere idea to reality. Knowing her, the party would definitely involve a little water which was, in fact, a splendid idea as the warm weather was starting to cool. As for Voltage, he would have been the one who sent invitations to neighbouring packs; native wolves to the continent. Donostrea had been recently well hidden for some time, of course, until now.

"I must admit, a party is a wonderful idea...and the first one for Donostrea." he beamed a grin towards his aquatic sister, acknowledging the effort she had obviously put in for the event to smoothly run. His words turned to his brother, growing light and pleasant in tone. Voltage was excellent at politics - that was why he was head of the pack. With these skills, hopefully he had found an alpha willing to exchange healing knowledge from one pack to another. "I anticipate there are some healers yet to come?"

"Burn Baby Burn"

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