
Everything Ends (Ebony Meeting)



8 Years
05-06-2015, 07:01 AM

When I fight broke out Max had almost gotten up to retrieve his hurbs and then thought better of it. He didnt care at the moment. He had just been trying to figure out what he would have to do to become less like himself. The fight, well more or less the man who came in poking the preverbial sleeping bear, had helped to lead him to believe this was the place to do so. For the time being that and Callisto, at least until he could find a way to stop loving her, were his only reasons to stay.

Blue eyes would turn on the woman he had fallen for, if only to see what her decision was. For a while it seemed as though she couldn't decide what to do either but then the fight happened and a dicision was made clear on her features. Had she nit turned and left the man never would have known what that decision was until it was to late.

Her decision made his go a lot easier. His den was already on the outside of the boarder as he had asked to move it there. Aparently it had been good for more than one thing. He could t stay here in the place where he fell inlove, not if she wasnt going to be here with him. She had headed toward the rock guarden and he would not follow but rather head for his own den outside of firefly lake.

No words would be spoken as he figured no one would care anyway. The only people here he considered family, didnt consider him family as far as he knew and with the fight he figured no one would pay attention to him anyway. Ebony no longer mattered to him as it was no more. He had given a few years of his life to it and now it was gone. Calli's leaving had also made him beleave he couldn't escape heart ake with this pack either.

Exit Maximous

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)