
learn me well



5 Years
Extra large
05-06-2015, 01:47 PM

The woman was quick to answer her questions - not particularly thoroughly but she didn't want to admit that she didn't actually know what an Oda... oda-whatever was so she didn't ask - and called her Miss Imperialis, which threw her off even as she raised her head proudly. But then the woman said something to a MISTER Imperialis, something about a plant... and Sirius said something as she went to sit down... suspiciously Vana whipped around, accidentally smashing into her brother with his pointy stick thingy, which instead of sticking in her furry bottom poked viciously into her thin foreleg. Vana stared down at the thorn in her leg, for the moment too shocked to actually make a noise. He'd... he'd stabbed her, the scruffy mongrel brat actually stabbed her! (She conveniently ignored the fact that it was her own movement that had actually driven the thorn into her leg, not Angel's.) And he wasn't a Mister, he was just a dumb old brother! A shriek of fury bared her teeth, but before she could either take a deep breath to begin wailing, or leap on her bigger brother and start pummeling him (she had yet to decide which was the more reasonable reaction this time) the healer woman interrupted to send them off to look for plants.

Sending her brother a look that was half a teary pout and half a promise of revenge, she jerked the thorn out of her leg and the horrifically wounded girl slunk off to go find plants. How was she supposed to even know what she was supposed to pick? All the plants looked alike, like... well, plants! Picking a plant at random she tore viciously at the blue-flowered stalks of the plant aconite, spitting out the nasty taste it left in her mouth before tearing up a whole lambsear plant with soft, gentle leaves and roots and all, dropping it on top of the other plant, then tossing on the stalks of a pretty white-flowered yarrow plant and some grass for good measure. Four kinds of plants were good enough, right?

Stalking back, though her stalk was starting to lose some of it's bite, she dropped the bundle and once again spit out the bitter taste of plant. Plants were gross. "I have no idea what any of these are but they're plants," she declared irritably. She had no idea how Integra Armada knew what that one plant was when no one around here had ever bothered to actually teach them this stuff, but if she admitted it - which of course she never would - she was terribly jealous that the other girl knew something and it was making her more than a little sulky. At least she'd found more plants than Integra did...
