
Swimming Drill



6 Years
05-07-2015, 05:42 AM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2015, 05:42 AM by Voltage.)
The older elementas chuckled as he plunked her into the ocean, right where she belonged. Her love for the water, and her optimism was rather infectious. Before she squirmed away he planted a big kiss upon her skull, laughing openly as she flopped away from him. They all seemed to embody their elements, but she seemed rather akin to the things that lived in hers. He wondered what it would be like if her chosen element was air instead...would she flutter around like a bird? Shaking his head at his thoughts he turned back to her, listening to her voice as she planned out the party. Food! Yes, food was great. Fantastic. He would grin brightly, lifting himself to his full height, the ocean water flooding off his fur loudly. Since moving to the beach his pelt had thinned, but he was still rather fluffy, almost like his fur was constantly on end with static.

With a bright smile he'd nod his head approvingly, chuckling as she caught a fish. Her movements were like no other, as if she could sense the fish in the water rather than see it. He had never seen anyone fish quite like her, and he was happy for that. Without her, he was sure they would have a hard time keeping full. The ocean provided their staple diet, due to the fact that they had to travel to find any other food...and quite far. With Secretua bordering them it made it hard to hunt. They were lucky to have the ocean at their finger tips. "I'm sure that will be no trouble for you. Me on the other hand..." He said with a bright grin. If he dared tried to fish, he was positive he would fail terribly. "I'm thinking of extending the invite to the other packs, to include them in Dono's fare-well to fall party." He said with a chuckle. He had met many many alphas, and he wanted to invite them so that they could see how well they could all get along. Only when he was positive his family would be friends with another pack that he would extend an alliance, but untill then he would remain only on friendly terms.

"Burn Baby Burn"