
It's Not About the Money



7 Years

05-07-2015, 12:40 PM

He watched carefully as his wife made her way up on her paws, curiosity sparking in his golden gaze. There was something that this woman was planning, he could tell. But just what was it? Humming softly, he suddenly found himself with his spine pressed into the earth, looking up as Wren toppled him over. He had been so intent on her form that he wasn't paying attention, and the feisty creature had made her way on top of him. Smirking up at the woman, he leaned forward and pressed his nose to her cheek, planting a soft and tender kiss there. It wasn't long before his arousal for her grew. Yes, it had been quite awhile since their talk of sex and dirty things. But now, they were together and had five wonderful children. Meeting her minty gaze he just stared in wonderment at the woman that he was able to call her own, how amazing she truly was. Through everything she had been there, no matter the outcome. At times, he felt as if he didn't appreciate Wren enough. She never complained that he had been so busy with the pack, or asked him to step away from his duties to be with their family more. No, she just waited with endless patience. "How did I get so lucky to call you my own?" he mused softly, his voice hardly above a whisper.

Wren licked at his muzzle and he beamed up at her, and when she spoke her voice made a shiver rush down his spine. He growled with his need, eyes growing darker as lust replaced all else. "Whatever could you have in store, my love?" he asked, pulling up to whisper it into her ear. Carefully his teeth grazed across the sensitive appendage, his breath hitching in his throat. It had been far too long since they had been together this way, and it was about damn time that they fixed it. He had all the time in the world for his Wren, and would spend all night here if need be.

"Wren's Speech"
"Bass' Speech"