Andromeda's plan appeared to work to some degree, she hadn't been actually acknowledged yet and was succeeding in her silent observation of the stranger. There was one part of it all that left her terribly confused as the other wolf continued to chatter away. The golden hued girl wasn't foreign to the idea of companions though by now she was completely convinced that the stranger ahead of her was alone, not one of her senses; sight, smell or hearing betrayed the presence of another being. This wolf was as alone as she was at this moment in time.
That concept was of course an easy one to wrap your head around, but the words themselves only seemed to become more and more confusing as time went on. They were not simple thoughts spoken out loud 'which way shall I go now?' or 'oh no, it looks like rain' this was an actual conversation or at least one side of it. There was a name mentioned, and what appeared to be an argument of sorts judging by the less than impressed tone of the rather talkative stranger. It wasn't actually the first time that Andromeda had encountered someone with an imaginary friend of sorts though this was the first time that she was suddenly aware of an invented being supposedly lingering around the area.
Knowing about the imaginary existence didn't make any of this easier to deal with and frankly she got the feeling that the best thing to do was leave the crazy wolf in peace. It seemed though that the made-up persona was more observant than the wolf herself and there was a moment Andromeda feared she had been discovered. Somehow in the madness the wolf denied the presence of anyone else and it seemed that she was still safe. She wouldn't take her eyes off of the other just yet, though carefully she began a slow retreat, hoping not to disturb the surrounding branches too much to enable a quick and easy escape.