
Come together fall apart



3 Years
05-07-2015, 03:10 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2015, 03:11 PM by Talvi.)
Right now Talvi had no idea what it was she could possibly be looking for in her life. She didn't feel quite as lost as she had as a child suddenly brought to Glaciem, the new life in a large pack though there was certainly a hint of that same confusion, that same lack of goal. She'd found it there eventually, quickly exceeded even her own expectations and perhaps that was why she was lost now, no pack to give her loyalty to, no goals to reach or duties to do. She was rather picky though, loyalty couldn't just be handed away to anyone and she was content to wonder but there was no denying she was lost.

To her surprise he would hint at a hope to run into her again at some point. It was a strange thought, they had barely known each other before and even now knew so little about each other and yet already he declared a wish to keep in touch. There were few that Talvi expressed that desire with and sadly right now she couldn't definitely put Kyarst alone in that category. Perhaps this was her problem, so cold and eager to shut out the world, how could she find her way in life?

"Perhaps" Talvi responded, maybe if only to see Lysis again, Drashiel and the children at some point. Their paths could well cross again though she doubted right this moment it would be specifically to see Kyarst. "I do have several reasons to visit Imperium it seems." He could include himself there if he wanted but she wasn't going to lie and make him feel special.