
Come together fall apart



2 Years
05-07-2015, 04:35 PM

It wasn't strange at all in his mind for him to invite her to visit him. Kyarst was a very sociable fellow, and the fact that he had known Talvi before warranted a future meeting - if she desired it. It seemed, however, that she wasn't exactly eager to run into him again. It was understandable, they hardly knew anything about each other, and if not for this chance meeting they likely would never have missed each other. Still, it seemed she had more reason than just him to visit Imperium, and he could accept that. He imagined Lysis was one of those reasons, and perhaps Drashiel, or the children. Kyarst honestly didn't know what filtered through the woman's mind, and it didn't seem as if she were keen on telling him. "I'll leave you with a bit more advice, Talvi." He paused, for nothing more than dramatic effect, it seemed. "Don't take any decision lightly. If you decide a pack is what you desire, then do your research. Most don't take lightly to halfheartedness. If you want to pledge yourself to one, make sure you are prepared for all that comes with such a pledge." Another pause, as his tail tapped the earth in good nature. "But you're smart and I'm sure you knew all that already." She couldn't have lived this long as a fool. His hips rose slowly as he stood to his full height, offering a gentle sway of his tail. "I probably should be heading back. If you decide to visit, just head West of here and you'll be sure to run into Imperium. I warn you though, we're rough on intruders, so stick outside the border and howl." The last thing he needed was to see one of his pack mates tearing her a new one. He turned on his heels, directing his bodice West. His head tilted back, craning over his right shoulder. "Lysis would like to see you, I'm sure." With that, he would slowly pace onward, back to his home.

- exit unless stopped


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.