
Come together fall apart



3 Years
05-07-2015, 05:20 PM
Kyarst's little words of wisdom were facts that Talvi had indeed already been aware of herself. Loyalty was not something she gave away so carelessly in any part of her life in fact. Even family had to earn her respect and their right to such a title a pack she would most definitely be very cautious with. Had she been so desperate to join one she likely would have followed her sister in her quest or perhaps even gone with Drashiel's original plan to join Imperium which it seemed had been successful. Not being sure of her best option had led her to this point now; wandering around Alacritia as a loner.

Talvi would be polite to Kyarst however, rather than rudely pointing out she was perfectly capable of knowing all of that to begin with she simply responded with a brief nod of understanding. She may not had been close to him, though she held no dislike towards Kyarst, he had even acknowledged the fact that she probably knew to be cautious anyway. She would remain polite if nothing else.

Even his additional words of warning not to trespass on a pack's lands was yet more knowledge that she already knew of, again she would simply quietly take on his words than point out she already knew. She would likely return, though even that she didn't wish to make any promises on, it seemed there truly were so commitment issues within her. "I shall bear that in mind." She informed him. "Goodbye Kyarst." For a few moments longer she watched him head off, perhaps if only to ensure he had no other little tidbits to add though it wasn't long before Talvi also continued on her way.