
Somebody make me feel alive and shatter me


05-07-2015, 06:13 PM
Heartache was normal in all lives, but that didn’t make it easy to deal with or right. He would lift his gaze to meet her own as a tale of her own past began to leave her lips. Her father was murdered, her mother unable to care for her or her siblings. Somehow the mother managed to drag her to a pack by the name of Seracia where she was adopted by Epiphoron. This came as news to the young man who believed that Pip had been the girl’s biological mother all along.

There was an uncle as well, a man who was murdered by the ice king. It was a male that he had never heard of, though by his title he had to assume he had some sort of high standings within this land. There was a betrayal by her adopted father, another pack gone to and fell through by family. It was such a sad tale, even the fact that she had asked to be crippled by her uncle.

There was tale of a dark woman, one who broke her heart and took away the pack that had been given to her. Then to top it all for a time she was made a slave for a time before she managed to make it back to Fiori with her mother. Cypress was honestly in shock. So much history for such a young woman. So much heartache and pain... He would rise, wrapping his head around her as he felt something within stir.

Gods above he was going to protect this woman. He loved her, cherished her... And her tale showed just how lucky he was to have her here with him. “I’m so sorry... You’ve been through so much.” Cy would whisper to her. “But I swear to you... I’m not going to let anything like that happen to you again. Never, ever again.” He would close his eyes, letting out a soft sigh.

"Perhaps it would be better to have a subject change, hmm? Something to lift the mood." He would draw back from her, smiling. "How about you tell me a little bit about these plants you keep around here?" He wanted to know more about Arian too... about her mind. What she thought, how she felt. But goodness, even he had his flaws. Smooth conversation transition was one of them.