
Get The Party Started



6 Years
Extra large
05-08-2015, 03:05 PM

It felt strange to know that he hadn't been apart of a lot of important aspects of pack life and meeting their neighboring Alpha's. He truly felt sorry that it all had rested upon Voltage's shoulder well he had been busy taking a month long nap in their den. He had a lot to make out for, and a vow to be more careful – he couldn't protect his family well he was injured like that. Despite being up for a few days and already having visited Anais near her potential new pack, he was still a little groggy and out of it. He was slow to wake despite the noise of their visitors and would wake to the dark of their den alone. He blinked and stretched, peered out his den to look at his sky and felt even more disoriented, it was later then he had expected and the pool party was likely already going on. He knew why Voltage hadn't woken him – his brother was still worried and protective over him. He allowed himself a fond smile at the thought of Voltage, before stretching and pulling himself out of th den.

After steady practice and determination, his paw was returning to its full strength, even if it wasn't there yet. He could easily hide the slight limp it gave him as he traveled across the sand and followed the noise to its source. The first wolf he would see would be his brightly colored brother, but before he made his way over there he was nuzzling the top of Locha's head, who was closer, and nudging Astrea and grinning at his star sister. He would not his head at Terrea who had patched him back together again after his accident, he also surveyed the strangers and smiled at any who looked his way, it was strange to know he didn't recognize any of them – Voltage had been busy. Then he would be at his litter brothers side and looking down at the girl in his arms. She was a tiny creature, through she looked to be about the height of Gale. He could also immediately see she was blind with her eyes clouded over. ahhh his mental voice whispered because he already knew exactly who this little creature was. “You must be Gaia, its an absolute pleasure to meet you” he said gently, and slowly so that she could feel the breath of his movement and pull away any time she wanted, he would aim to kiss the top of her forehead, then he grinned at his brother and moved to stand at Voltage's other side. “Someone needs to give out siblings a kick down here before they miss out on all the fun” he teased, he could see a lot of missing faces, and no sign of Anais too, who had also been invited.
