
I Got Friends In Low Places


05-08-2015, 05:17 PM

Whereas Mystic was willing to rush away with him without a word to anyone Hypnos was not willing to simply up and leave the vikings that had taken him in. They were, in a way, his family now. His stepmother was gone, her scent faded, his biological family did not want him. His brother too, was gone. He had been alone... and Kapra and Katja had been the ones kind enough to take him in. He would at least speak to Kapra about it... fighting with his very own heart.

But what happened next was unexpected. He would rise, gaze following hers as it turned worried. His ears would pin back, a growl building in his throat. A mountain lion? Scarred from many survived battles. What was this he was saying? He would bare his fangs, stepping in front of Mystic. There was something in this male's tone that he didn't like at all, and he would find himself ready to defend her to the death if he had to.

"What do you want?" It was hardly just to chat he was sure. His ears would pin, eyes narrowing, hackles raising. Tail would raise to align with his spine, ready to jump at the man if he needed.

"Mystic Speech," "Hypnos Speech."

Lineart by:: Otackoon on DeviantArt