
Frith v Amachi



5 Years
Dire wolf
05-08-2015, 05:32 PM

Of course her eyes would keep locked on the male, so naturally her body shifted slightly to him. She didn't know what he was up to, but she didn't need to know as she only focused mainly on him. With her defenses set, she prepared herself for his attack. Frith would immediately try to go lower than she his right shoulder jutting out in an aim for her right back leg. With her weight and height, the woman would attempt to rotate on her knee's stepping to her left side attempting to get them in a position to where his head was near her rump. As his shoulder missed it's mark Amachi kept her ears pinned to the back of her head. Toes splayed out into the dirt as she let out a stiffed growl her shoulders rolled inward trying to protect her weight. His teeth spread and latched onto near the base of her tail. The pain that shot through her was intense as his head shook back and forth. Physically in pain her body burned up and reacted to the smaller male.

Amachi's jaws opened head swaying to the right of her body, attempting to swing her weight into him in a body slam. Her teeth would seek to latch onto the right side of his rump where his thigh was located and tug on him. Lifting her right hind leg she aimed to kick at his right front leg where the elbow joint connected in an attempt to dis-balance him. Her tail acting as a rudder in the process to keep her balance she kept her scruff scrunched into her body and abdomen muscles tightened. Her eyes narrowed at him. Her hackles kept raised.

1/2 for spar
Attack: Attempting to swing her right side of weight into him all while her head aimed for his right hind thigh and back right leg attempting to kick out his right front leg.
Defense: toes splayed, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tail level with spine. muscles tightened, shoulders rolled inward, scruff scrunched hackles raised.
Injuries: Inch half bite wound at the base of tail, missing fur.
