
I Got Friends In Low Places



4 Years
05-08-2015, 05:39 PM
Mystic would see that Hypnos was guarding her. Her own friend who had been with her for a while deciding to protect her, even if it meant costing his life. Mystic was not sure how she would ever repay his kindness, and worry and sadness built up inside of her mind and facial features. The mountain lion had said that he was her uncle? Was that really true? Her crimson eyes narrowed slightly and hackles rose, a snarl building in her throat.

"What the hell do you want, feline?!" Mystic barked angrily. The mountain lion, Ashamoro, hissed and approached them both, his one scarred eye focused in on them both as a laugh rose throughout his throat.

"You really think that you two are strong enough to beat me?" He chuckled and flicked his tail, "Both of you are yearlings and do not know a single thing about fighting an elder like myself. I have been in many battles that warriors do not dare put their lives at risk in," he would circle them before placing a paw on Mystic's shoulder, causing her to yelp in shock and jump back, "I can easily tell that you are a coward like your own mother, and the only one who would be a challenge for me would be your father, amd that splayed pawed pipsqueak who thinks he is brave enough to protect you."

Mystic looked to him and snarled, "He is my friend, and someone who i care about deeply. If you hurt him, all my cowardish antics will vanish, and I will not be afraid to put my life on the line for someone who i love so much. You may think just because you're larger than us you can boss us around and hurt us, but even though you may have experience, we fight for what we believe in, even at the cost of our life!"

Ashamoro was stunned to hear her words, but gave a small chuckle, "You have spunk kid, I'll give you that. But, one of these days, you will get hurt, and so will the rest of your family; that I can certainly guarentee," the mountain lion roared and ran off into the shadows. Mystic stood there, eyes still showing rage and her hackles were still raised.