
I Bet You're All Wondering Why I've Called You Here Today


05-08-2015, 07:55 PM
It seemed even as he spoke, one of Epiphron's children appeared to counter his words, quickly followed by another - and more in the way of young wolves, as well as the alpha herself - and though Epiphron's son grinned at him in jest, Bjorn just regarded him impassively in return. He wasn't going to give the guy a cookie for showing up to feed his own family, why would he? Just meant the guy wasn't taking advantage of his mother's good will quite as much as the rest of her children were, nothing more. He found himself more often than not feeling sorry for her...

He did bend his neck in a nod of respectful acknowledgement to Epiphron herself, though, before his sister began to speak and he turned his attention to her. Her plan was, as he'd always expected of her, a solid one, and eagerness stiffened the ursine Bjorn's limbs as she gave her orders. Chase the herd, keep them out of the mangroves unless he saw a good opportunity. He cast his gaze evaluatingly on the boy she'd indicated as his partner in his mission. He was young, just a yearling, but nearly as tall as Bjorn himself. It would be interesting to see how this kid worked, if he had any sort of training or if he'd be carrying him through this. Well, he'd see. If the kid didn't perform up to snuff he'd take him aside later to give him training so that next time he'd be a real asset next time instead of a drain... He followed along as Birna and Epiphron started for the herd, though he paused, frowning, to lift his muzzle and sniff deeply as an odd scent struck him when the wind shifted slightly... what in the world was that? He kept a suspicious eye out, following Birna distractedly as the group readied themselves to go after the elk.