
Out of Sorts



5 Years
05-09-2015, 12:12 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The cat, still with her wide grin intact, watched as the wolf almost immediately complied with her direction of leaving the thistles in her care. It was a happy surprise; no one ever did things because she asked, especially not wolves. If it was possible, her smile would have widened further. Instructions were given as soon as the plant was settled on the ground, and curious as the creature she was, the cat crept forward a step, nose forward, to investigate as she listened. One plant, once a week, until it was over. That sounded easy enough, assuming she could talk Callisto into taking them. But she had a strong assumption that once Maximous was out of the picture, Callisto would warm up to them very quickly.

Behind the feline, the Ebony healer continued to feign inattention though, having heard everything, she was already beginning to wonder about this plant. It was perfect, almost too perfect, for her given everything that she had been through. Was there no catch? Were there any side effects she should have looked out for? And where was it found, in case she wished to harvest more for herself without needing to return to him? There were so many questions she wanted to ask, so much extra information that she would have liked to know, but her desire not to interact with the male who harbored such strong feelings for her was stronger than her need to know. I'll figure it out on my own, she thought stubbornly, wishing he would already leave.

Finishing her inspection of the plant, the cat sat down there before it and lifted her bright eyes upward to once again look at the wolf as he spoke softly as if for her alone. He was awfully helpful for someone whose help had been refused already, but in this instance the cat was glad of it. She knew Callisto was worried almost sick about potentially having another unwanted litter of pups, and just having that peace of mind knowing it would not be possible was going to make both of their lives easier after this. He seemed to be entrusting the healer's care to her, and though it seemed a ridiculous notion, the cat kept her chuckling to a quiet minimum. "I can't make her do anything," she admittedly frankly, "but don't worry, she'll like this eventually." She lifted a tiny paw and placed it atop the thistles, extending her claws just enough so that she could draw the prickly plant a little closer to signify she would hang on to it.