
Here without you baby



5 Years
05-09-2015, 02:22 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Boy, he was sure good at keeping his charade going. She very nearly forgot what she was so convinced about as he questioned her accusation, the teasing quality of his voice a distraction that easily got to her. It made her stomach do another of its funny little flips, as if the butterflies that had taken residence there had decided to all fly at once, and it caught her mostly off guard. It was not anxiety but an unexpectedly strong shyness which stole through her along with the odd, fluttery sensation, and the golden girl shrank, lowering her head slightly, as she chuckled over his response. Oh goodness, was she blushing again? It would have made more sense to look away, to hide it, but still she found difficulty in taking her eyes away from him. "Yes," Anais muttered through an almost timid smile, meekly sticking with her opinion on the matter. How odd that though she now wanted to shrink back away from her friend shyly she also wanted to get closer to him even more strongly.

Despite her conviction that he was telling her stories, Glacier stuck with his facts, attempting to explain further in the hopes of changing her mind. It was a slow process, but seeing that he refused to give up what she took as false, what he was trying to tell her had actually happened, Anais started to wonder if there was some truth to it after all. Her brow pinched just a little as the seriousness of the matter began to sink in, as she started to believe what he had believed all along. He had chased away a puma. A puma. And here he was trying to tell her he had only tripped in a rabbit hole!

Forgetting her shyness, the smile upon her face smoothed away and something closer to worry took its place. If he had been chasing a big cat large enough to be a threat to a wolf...and he had tripped and put himself in a vulnerable position in the process... "She didn't... You're okay, right?" she asked quickly, needing to know and to be sure of it. All over again she wanted to leap forward and nuzzle into him, to show her gratitude that he was safe and whole, but it was unwise. Instead she only fidgeted in place, a poor substitute for what she really wished she could do instead.
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.