
Second Chances


05-09-2015, 03:43 PM
This place was new and strange to her. Absentia didn't know what to think of it, for though it was beautiful it also presented the threat of strangers. Strangers... were generally bad. They made fun of the child and called her names. They threatened her safety. Just like her mama and papa. They were nowhere to be found. They would come back, she was sure. There had been yelling and so much scary noise when she ran away. Mama had told her to run, that they would come look for her... but they never came.

The pup was skinny... Tia had hardly eaten much. She was scared to scavenge, especially when the birds or bigger animals came to steal the prey away. It was often that she went on hungry, and the little green girl was getting weaker by the day.

Underneath a strawberry bush she lay now, blending in part with the leaves itself. Her head was on her paws, stomach rumbling and complaining about how empty it was. The child was miserable. Tears stained her cheeks, a whimper leaving her little form. Did no one else in the world care about her? Was she going to die soon?