
How the world is[Baine]



10 Years
Athena I
05-10-2015, 03:30 PM

The big white creature turned around to face her and she looked up at his large face that was surrounded by thick fur. She blinked with a little bit of shock and surprise, completely unsure as to what he even was. She had to crane her head up to look at his face when he was standing. He was so much bigger than she was! Luckily he laid down so he wasn't towering over her so badly. Still, just his paw was as big as she was. He spoke and she brightened up immediately. He was friendly! Well, at least he was talking to her and that was more than enough for Báine to try to make friends.

She bounced in place a few times, her little tail wagging back and forth behind her. "Hi!" she replied excitedly. Now that she was sure the big creature wasn't going to eat her, at least not right now anyway, she crept a little closer before plopping down on her haunches so it wouldn't feel so awkward for her to peer up at him. Suddenly she realized his nose was all pink like hers was and she gasped, her tail beginning to wag a mile a minute again. "You're pink like me! Are your paws all pink too?" She lifted a paw and held it up in front of him to show him how all of her tiny paw pads are pink. "My Momma and Daddy and brothers and sister don't have pink paws or noses. You're the first one I've seen! Besides me of course." Her chattering was quick and excited and her pink gaze looked up at him like he was her new best friend, even though she still didn't know who or what he was.

"Talk" "You" Think