
again and again 'til I'm stuck in your head



7 Years
Dire wolf
05-10-2015, 05:26 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

A literal colossus, the starry woman strides languidly. Immense paws would strike the stone beneath her with little care as to the noise she made. The celestial behemoth swept her gaze over the scenery that surrounded the summit of the peak. She couldn't quite make it to the top, but it was of no consequence to the giant. As she reached maturity, her body filled out noticeably. Kohl rimmed optics remained half-lidded with contented relaxation. She'd made the trek up here, and now she was going to enjoy the wonders this peak had to offer her. It was a lovely day, though beginning to get colder now. The sun was descending past its midday height, drooping toward the horizon as it prepared to leave them behind for the night. Her galactic pelt was much thicker now, adding volume in preparation for winter. The dark violet hues were far more laden with pale strands, as her markings became more prominent with the added bulk of fur. She looked like she'd been plucked straight from the cosmos.

She would probably have to bring her little family further north so they didn't suffocate in the heat of the southern areas. The east would be too muggy to rightfully remain there, as well. The north would be just fine, she decided. Maybe they should claim a forest for themselves during the winter months, so they wouldn't be subjected to the harsher elements. The gods knew the little Hobbit wouldn't be able to withstand the biting wind nearly as well as herself and Mith would. A low hum would rumble in her chest as she pondered this. Yes, she'd have to scout out a good northern area to turn into a base of operations. That way, when things got too out of hand, they would all know where to go to be safe. Mithras, with all his bravado and foolishness, would try to stick it out on his own. Worry his sister sick, that little ass would. Speaking of which, she really needed to round those two up soon and take them with her to find a good place. Always better to make decisions together.

The rush of water falling below her was a rooting presence, the torrent kept her mind from wandering too far. She let her train of thought chug off into the back of her mind, focusing once more on the landscape far below. Further to the north, snow was clearly visible. To the south, all was still blissfully warm. The cosmic goliath stretched, muzzle pointing to the sky above as she pulled at the muscles in her neck and shoulders. This was a strange land, with strange wolves who didn't have any colours like she did. Were there any others out there like herself? Or were she and her little band of family complete abnormalities? There was a brief pang of hurt in her chest, flaring up like arthritis in old joints. Sosicles, Adieun. Gods, they were dead. It really struck the dame, up here, so far from the world. All she had left were those two, Faria and Mithras. Her brothers were dead, and her parents with them. Why hadn't they made a better effort to save them? She and Mith could have fucking tried to do something but instead they'd just followed their parents orders, like soldiers. They'd run, and hadn't bothered to look back. Faria, sweet thing that she was, had abandoned her own family to follow.

A shuddering breath was pulled into her lungs. She blinked away the sting in her eyes.

At least she had them, and it was her duty to care for the only family she had left. The distant calls of migrating birds rang through the air just below her perch. Life went on, just the same. Starry plume thumped lightly against the stone below her feet, stirring a few scattered pebbles. She shook out her ruff, scanning the valley floor. Maybe she should seek out something to eat, and go searching for her brother. Winter was fast approaching, and it was never too early to start looking for a good place to settle for the cold months. Glancing around her, the woman thought of getting to her feet. However, the peacefulness of her surroundings made her think better of it, settling back down with a light shrug of her shoulders. She'd do it later, when it wasn't so nice up here.