
Quiet is the Night



1 Year
05-10-2015, 07:18 PM
Glowing yellow irises, warm like the moon, stared out into the night as the fireflies converged through the cottaintails and other foliage that made up the shores of the rather large - to him - lake. They were lovely in their up and down sway, twirling, whirling, flying to and fro before his eyes. Tiny lights reflecting on the waters surface in an almost ethereal appeal.

Overhead a sliver of a moon. A new moon was due soon and beneath it he did not wish to be, but far from the lands of his birth he had as yet to find a suitable den or other shelter under which to keep himself free of the monstrous shadows of the new moon. Tales had long been told by his mothers lips that the new moon was dangerous and that during it all manner of evils rose from the pits of hell to maim, torture, kill and worse. Some descriptions of what one of the new moons children might do sent a chill down his back. He thought his own mother to be one of the new moons lost prodigies. Yet he could not see himself so related and instead clung to the tales instead of what his sire spoke.

"Tonight the light of the mother moon saves, but tomorrow when night falls the devils will rise and dance on graves old and new. Not even fireflies can light the way."

He had time. Time to find a temporary solution and keep himself hidden away from the eyes and ears of the new moon and his progeny. It mattered naught that it was but a tale, he' believed far too long and would not chance it even if it might prove to be but another lie spilled upon his mothers lips.