
the morning after



05-10-2015, 08:15 PM

Eyes of amethyst blinked open slowly as his heartbeat quickened. "No!" he shouted before he realized he'd only been dreaming. Breathless, he gasped for air. A sigh escaped him when he finally sucked in enough air to expel. Slowly he stretched his paws outward as far as they would go without disturbing Miliani. Somehow, she'd managed to sleep through his earlier exclamation and he didn't want to wake her now. He knew he had some investigating to do here in Imperium, and it would be so much easier to do without having to worry about his sister. When he'd finished stretching he rolled onto his belly and curled his back legs before extending them and pushing himself upward. His front limbs stiffened to hold his weight as he slipped out of the den and into the... lack of sunshine. Well, that was not a good omen. The skies were dark and full of clouds, and in the distance he swore he heard a rumble of thunder. This didn't deter him, though, and he picked up a gentle trot - moving in the direction of the stream Valentine had showed him the day before. A he neared it he heard another distant rumble of thunder which sought to cover up the gentle trickle of the stream. As he lowered his head the loose skin bunched up near where his jaws fused together due to the lack of significant muscle and fat. Though he was right around six months of age and should technically be half of his adult size, he was far behind due to his emaciation. An ear flickered back as he drank his fill of water. Someone or something was moving behind him. In an instant his head shot up and he twisted it back, tail flagging up almost like a deer's would do when frightened. "Who's there?" he queried, with a far more demanding voice than his starved figure could possibly back up.


Miliani is permitted to enter any thread Shaw is involved in.