



2 Years
Dire wolf
05-10-2015, 10:27 PM

His display towards her made the young female giggle, an innocent smile upon her lips and a twinkle in her eyes as he hit the ground. A show of power and need for the opposite gender was something she found interesting and always seemed to get her blood pumping. It was amusing to see how easily a male could be wrapped around a woman's paw, bending beneath them like a cub when the possibility of "fun" was in the air. The thought of teasing him further only intensifying as he spoke, confirming her question and bringing up how it could be better with her as the new foundation. "Je, si tusi , unapaswa tayari kujua." (Do not insult, you should already know.) She purred back, green eyes following him as he grew closer, toes splaying into the dry ground and tail swinging steadily.

His offer was almost convincing, informing the lioness of the many children he has fathered and pride he once held and protected. She would be taken care off... Mlezi purred at the idea, her own paws carrying her forward in a little skip and around the small puddle that was between them. The whole while she would keep her deep green orbs on the light male, brushing her side along his and turning to come up on his other side. "Itachukua zaidi ya kukamata hii moja...." (it will take more to catch this one) She hummed, pulling away slowly, her tail running along the man's spine before doing a little hop back towards the grasses.

Even though it felt like she had the man in her clutches, Mlezi wanted to pull back from the flirtation to allow both their heads to clea up a bit for clear thoughts. She did not want to push him, cause something to happen that she would later regret while also making him want her to join. The girl did not consider herself easy to catch, it owuld take some work to grab her interest enough to join.

"normal. words
talk. think. you.