
I Need a Ride or Die



3 Years
05-11-2015, 01:05 AM

If Arda was being honest with herself she had no real intention of returning… at least not right now. She was spending much of her time trying to figure out how to come out to her family when she returned, if she returned. It wasn’t as if she didn’t want too, because she sure as hell did… it was that she knew she couldn’t face them till she was finally comfortable enough with herself to face the worst situation… Plus it was kind of nice being around her cousin, Surreal had been first the learn and it was refreshing to be close to family that didn’t mis-gender her at every turn… Not that that was her immediate family’s fault.

The girl was heading back towards the valley now, the lake a mere pit stop to refresh herself and maybe take a quick dip, even as the trees were beginning to lose their leaves it wasn’t exactly cold in the west of the continent and after the amount of walking she had done today she was looking forwards to a break.

The terrain began to grow a little bit more familiar and the girl sped up, a slight smile breaking across her features. That quickly dropped as a scent she knew well assaulted her senses. Suddenly stopping short the girl’s eyes grew wide. "Loach?" Her voice was hoarse but still noticeably softer and higher than he was no doubt used to… a habit she had been happy to develop up till now. Dropping into a lower register the girl stared at her brother as she spoke again. "What are- What’re you doing here?" It wasn’t as if she wasn’t happy to see him… but she had just been starting to get used to freely expressing herself and now she suddenly felt shoved back into the neat little, and incredibly constricting, box she had been born in.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: MUKlXeo.png]