
New friends in the making



9 Years
05-11-2015, 06:16 PM

 When the woman told him her introduction to the pack had been much like his, Ravine didnt feel as out if place as he previously had. He didnt kniw how it had been for new wolves to a pack but he would have an idea from now on. "Its good to know im not the only one who has felt out of place, but id rather be a little out of place than alone." he would sink back onto his hunches as he listened to her tell him about her talk with her son.

He hadnt realized that the large boy had been her son. Hell he never would have guessed by their different sizes. He was quite large and she, well she wasnt very big at all. Some might say her size made her cute, but Ravine knew better than that as its part of what made her a force to be reckoned with.

When Akemi finished speeking he wouldgive a small nod. "I did see the look he had given me, but I chose not to take offense. I cant say I wouldnt have felt the same had a stranger come to my home and be given a job over me." he would search her features again before saying anymore. "I dont have any family, none ive seen in a long time anyway. Never had a mate or children so ivee been alone for a long time.

Ravine would look away as he remembered his siblings and parents, even his fathers eagle. He hadnt seen any of them in so long that he was sure they were probably gone. He was just happy he would have a chance at another family here even if that meant he would just have to consider all of Secretua that family. When he he met her gaze again he would ask about her family. "So what of your family?"
