
You think you got what it takes? (YFIR WARRIORS)



6 Years
05-11-2015, 07:46 PM

While it was true he was blind in one eye, it affected Vereux not that much. He could easily keep Laufey in his vision, and judge where he was seeing as he'd lived with one eye for most of his lifetime. Keeping his defenses set, his teeth exposed themselves and his ears pinned against his head. His single right eye narrowed on Laufey with his chin tucked into his chest and hackles raised. With his knee's slightly bent to the larger male, he was at a lower state. With his scruff rolled forward and hackles raised, toes splaying into the dirt. The violent chase began with Laufey aiming to ram his shoulder(left) into Vereux's own right. His eye focused on the huge male, his best bet would to be to use his small size to his advantage. In an attempt to avoid the massive brute, Vereux pivoted on his limbs to his left as Laufey hit his left shoulder near his jawline instead. Immense pain started up with the hit as he dug his toes into the dirt for traction, sending him back partly due to the difference in weight but his balance keeping him safe.

Laufey's chest came in contact with the rest of his body as the rest of the attack followed through. His leg lifted Vereux using all his senses to aid him in the fight. He was unable to dodge the clam fully but luckily the male scooted his paw back previously to keep his balance and Laufey scraped the top of it painfully. Vereux's tail acted as a rudder flailing about to help him in his balance and his abdomen muscles tightened. The male's jaws opened and aimed for Vereux's tucked chin as well as his left ear since of the major size difference.

Vereux attempted to tilt his head to the right lifting it slightly, trying to turn his body more to his right so that Laufey's jaws missed his left ear and jawline. Those teeth hit the right side of his shoulder sending pain shooting through his body, right near his neck where his scarring tissue was. Vereux began his counter attack, with as much force as he could muster. Attempting to wiggle his body backwards from Laufey's jaws Vereux would open his own and tilt his head to the right. Aiming his jaws to hit the exposed left side of Laufey's neck. Hoping to get a viscous bite in. Vereux used his body weight to attempt to slam his right shoulder into the front of Laufey's throat. Raising his body upwards in that manner. His left paw raised and aimed to kick Laufey's right forelimb in an attempt to kick the male off balance and make him tumble forward.
1/2 for spar

?I speak?