
Fish Are Friends Not Food....Wait....



8 Years
Dragon Mod
05-11-2015, 08:31 PM
The yearling ventured further from his Eastern homelands, the place of his birth and the place he had always called home. He had gone from East to South, and now made his way Westward. All the while navigating his way around and studying the stars and paths he walked along the way. This time, a wayward path he followed into a place that appeared to have gone through many changes. He knew nothing of the wars or battles that had been fought here, but the place sent a slight chill up his spine, as if somewhere were watching him. The scents of others were both stale and fresh, as if a couple wolves had been lingering around, while others simply passed through. Shiki stared at the grasses, taller then him by a landslide and took in a deep breath. He ventured into the plains, his pawsteps quiet but his body brushing against the dry grasses that the Autumn season had brought creating a slight rustling and crackling sound. He figured he could get to the other side of the plains faster by going through the grasses, then finding a path around.

Long moments would pass, Shiki occasionally grumbling to himself as he stepped into a hole that seemed to be torn out of the earth from an earthquake. And what surprised him more, was a mark in the ground that he nearly stumbled over. Gazing at it, it appeared to be a tomb...a grave of one that had left the earth. He swallowed then, seemingly nervous. Did this place belong to a pack? Or perhaps it had once upon a time? Was this where they buried their dead? Moving on, he wondered just how that creature, whoever it was, had died...and wondered then if his own father was dead too. Was that why he hadn't been around for so long? No. Shiki couldn't give up the hope that his father was still here....probably searching for a safe place for him and the boy and his mother to grow up and live safely. He hoped...