
Snack Time, Brats (pup hunt)


05-11-2015, 09:05 PM
Sabre stilled his attempts at silence as Cascade began to speak again, this time revealing to the pups the secrets of the prey animal of the day. Hares? He scoffed silently to himself. Child's prey. Though, he supposed, they were children chronologically, and he could not expect the adult members of the pack to understand otherwise. Still, her method of hare-hunting was... intriguing. Different. If only it did not depend so closely on a hunting partner, someone who could fail to live up to the standard required. His gaze strayed to Sirius Armada, and he frowned. If it was anyone, why not one of his siblings? Someone he could trust, even if just a little. Though as far as wolves who weren't his blood were concerned, Sirius wasn't so bad. She was... not frivolous and foolish as so many were, and she'd been trained by his mother and Hati even if they hadn't been started as early or intensively as he and his sisters. "You want to run, or hide?" he asked her coldly, deliberately putting a cynical spin on his choice of words. They'd figure this out here before they split off so they didn't scare off all the prey yapping about it, then he'd see how the older pup did living up to his family's standards these days.