
Here without you baby



5 Years
05-11-2015, 10:33 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She heard the sigh he exhaled, the undertone of sadness it carried, and her ears pinned more tightly to the back of her head. She knew it sounded crazy, especially after previous conversations they had had. But things were not the same now as they had been back then. Then they had still been just friends during that conversation, and her feelings for him, though growing steadily by the moment, had not yet been realized as what they were now. Nor had she understood how much he cared for her in return. What they had now was greater than friendship and begged for attention, love, and care, and she was eager to see it grow further.

"I know, I know," she hastily whispered back, speaking over the last of his words. Her eyes searched his face, desperate to find any hint that what she was suggesting might actually be a secret wish of his too. "You're not asking. But I still want to. I've wanted to since you first mentioned it, even though I said no." She could still feel that ache of disappointment when she had told him she had to stay with her family, when she realized there was a part of her that really wished to say yes to him. He might not have asked now, but he had once, and the offer still lingered teasingly in the back of her mind. And given everything that had happened, everything they had said to each other, it was even more enticing than before.

Did he still think this was because of him? That he had somehow convinced her this was what she wanted instead of it being her decision to make? He was wrong if he thought it, but more importantly she wanted him to know it. "Glacier." His name was spoken softly, tenderly, to get his full attention. "It's my choice. I want to be with you."
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.